You are here: Administration and Maintenance Application > Permission Tables > Registration Module Permissions > Registration Module - Screen: Name Detail Permissions

Registration Module - Screen: Name Detail Permissions


Permission Description


Remove name prefixes from the last name when the Save button on the patient??? demographics screen is clicked.


Remove name suffixes from the last name when the Save button on the patient??? demographics screen is clicked.


Store the patient name prefixes when the Save button on the patient??? demographics screen is clicked.


Store the patient name suffixes when the Save button on the patient??? demographics screen is clicked.


Activate the Patient Name Change button on the patient??? demographics screen so user may interact with name detail fields.


Disable data entry of the Patient Name on the patient demographics screen. To edit the name, user must use the Patient Name Change button.


Activate the Store button on the patient name change screen. Stores data when it is changed.


Allow user to type name prefixes on the patient name change screen that are not in the FO_Lab_Info.RecognizedPrefixes field.


Allow user to type name suffixes on the patient name change screen that are not in the FO_Lab_Info.RecognizedSuffixes field.


Lock the suffix field and do not allow data entry for that field on the patient name change screen.


Lock the prefix field and do not allow data entry for that field on the patient name change screen.