You are here: Administration and Maintenance Application > Permission Tables > Registration Module Permissions

Registration Module Permissions


Permission Description


Activate the button to review patient data on the patient search screen.


Activate the Save button on the patient demographics screen. Allow user to save patient information.


Allow user to create new patients.


Allow user to delete a patient created today only.


Allow user to delete any patient.


Display and enable the Export Demographics button and allow transfer to FAST registration screen and HL7 interfaces.


Allow user to access all patients in the system. If not set, user can only see assigned patients by entry group code.


Add new insurance addresses. Allow addition of a new insurance address on the patient?? demographics screen.


Add new insurance plans. Primarily for lab use to add new insurance plans using + button on patient demographics screen.


Assign any client as patient responsible party on patient demographics screen.


Allow skipping Address Line 2 on patient demographic entry.


Allow addition of miscellaneous insurance on patient demographics screen using + button. For client use.


Activate the Verify button on the patient demographics?? screen and allow patient verification fields on FO_Patients table to be filled in.


Default Facility ID for a patient to the FO_LabInfo.DefaultFacilityID field. Must have default ID defined for user.


Default Facility ID for a patient to the FO_Users.FacilityID defined for the user. Must have single facility ID for user.


Allow user to edit Facility ID field. User must have the facilities they are expected to access defined in FO_Users.FacilityIDCodes field.


Remove Facility ID field from patient registration screen.


Default Species Code and Species Name on patient registration screen to the defaults in the FO_LabInfo table.


Remove ESRD field from patient registration screen.


Default Responsible Party to SELF if no responsible party name is present.


Remove responsible party fields from patient registration screen???.


Disable editing of responsible party fields on patient registration screen. Allow display of field contents without edit.


Remove all insurance related fields from patient registration screen.


Remove ALTPtID field from patient registration screen.


Disable editing of insurance fields on patient registration screen.


Disable editing of insurance address fields on patient registration screen???.


Disable editing of ALTPtID field on patient registration screen.


Enable duplicate patient checking by name and DOB. Activate buttons and appropriate functionality at field exits on patient registration screen and other screens.


Enable duplicate patient checking by SSN only at SSN field exit. Use instead of dupptcheckssndob permission. Activate buttons and appropriate functionality at field exits on patient registration screen and other screens.


Enable duplicate patient checking by name and SSN at SSN field exit. Use instead of dupptcheckssn permission. Activate buttons and appropriate functionality at field exits on patient registration screen and other screens.


Make the patient MRN field a required field on the patient demographics screen.


Allow user to generate MRN numbers. Activates button on patient demographics screen if there is no MRN assigned to the patient. Requires FO_LabInfo. mrnumgenerationroutine field to be filled in with either ‘ALPHA4NUMBER4’ or ‘NUMBER’.


Do not allow storage of recent patient data in FO_UserLocPt table. The Recent Patient search type will not work with this rule. Meant for Lab users not clients.


Remove AKA Name field from patient demographics screen.


Mandate veterinary species selection only in patient?? demographics screen species drop-down list. Selects for species records with FO_Species.Veterinary defined to 1.


Activates the Diagnosis button on the bottom of the patient demographics screen. Allow display of the diagnosis change screen mainly to be used by billing staff. (Patient/Order level diagnosis)


Disable editing of the MRN field on the patient demographics screen but allow user to assign an MRN by clicking on the MR# button.


Automatically stamp a patient as verified each time the Save button is clicked on the patient??? demographics screen. This will cause all patients to qualify for the billing interface to transmit as long as there is an order with a lisordx value.


Associate and store the user’s FO_Users.EntryGroupCode for that patient when an order is placed on the order screen.


Associate and store the user’s FO_Users.InquiryGroupCode and the physicians – where does this come from??? on the order screen during a test order on the order screen.


User returns to a blank patient search state or integrated search screen after exiting the episode transmit to host screen bypassing the accession history screen.


Automatically stamp a patient as verified each time the Save button is clicked on the patient??? demographics screen and the user confirms the verification prompt. This will cause all patients to qualify for the billing interface to transmit.


Force an A08 or A04 transaction to be sent to the host system when a user updates episode critical data on the order screen. Ordering Physician, Client and Collect date.


Prompt user to verify a patient when the Exit button on the patient demographics screen is clicked.


Allow printing patient demographic labels from the patient demographics screen and activates patient label printing environment.


Automatically queue a patient demographic label to print when the Save button on the patient??? demographics screen is clicked.


Automatically stamp the patient verification date/time/user fields when a primary insurance with an autoverify flag is selected. Action taken at the time the patient is saved.


Trigger an episode critical data update and send an A08 or A04 to the host when tests are added to an order previously exported. One transaction per add-on test. Occurs on order exit. Does not require order export if previously done.


Trigger an A08 or A04 to be sent to the host for each new order created even if the episode was sent before when the Export button is clicked after a new order.


Allow user to search for insurances on patient demographics screen by primary, secondary or NULL rank. Primary rank to be used for primary insurance, secondary for secondary only and NULL for either one.


Limit the insurances displayed when a user searches for insurance on the patient demographics screen to those assigned to a group the FO_Users.Ins_User_Assignement field and referenced to the FO_Ins.Ins_User_Assignement field.


Automatically click the Exit button to allow user to exit the patient??? demographics screen when the Save button action is successful.


Automatically generate an MRN number when the Save button on the patient??? demographics screen is clicked. Requires an MRN generation routine.


Automatically update the patient name, gender, and DOB in the guarantor and insurance fields if the relationship is set to SELF. This will occur in the patient demographics screen when the Save button is clicked.


Check for spaces in the Insurance Code at the time one is selected on the patient??? demographics screen and clear the entry if spaces are found.


Check to see if MRN is present on the accession search screen from the BarCode toolbar icon. If not the user is informed and may continue with the patient demographics screen.


Remove the Notes/Memo field from the bottom of the patient demographics screen.


Do not automatically set the last name of the insured on the patient??? demographic insurance entry to be the last name of the patient if child or spouse is chosen.


Make the relationship field and insured name field required fields on the insurance entry portions of the patient??? demographics screen if a policy number is entered.


Remove the Export button on the patient??? demographics screen if this permission is used and the permission exportordertoif is not present.


Automatically verify the patient after an order has been created and saved. The FO_Patients.VerifyDate datetime stamp will be updated.


Clear the policy field value if it fails the edit mask check for multiple edit masks. This occurs on the patient demographics screen.


Verify that user filled in the Workers Comp Date and Cause fields. If fields are not filled in, the Workers Comp button in the task list at the order screen will be mandatory requiring the user to fill it in before exiting the order.


Display a message when an insurance search did not result in a match because the insurance was not found or the rank did not match.


No required fields on order workman's comp screen. All fields that have data will be stored.


Disable the Client ID related responsible party fields on the patient demographics screen.


Enable the Race drop-down field list on the patient demographics screen.


Enable the Ethnicity drop-down field list on the patient demographics screen.


Make the patient home telephone field a required field on the patient demographics screen.


Check if a secondary insurance was entered with no primary insurance and, if so, prompts user to define primary insurance. Rule executes when the Save button on the patient demographics screen?? is clicked.


Default the responsible party to SELF if there is no responsible party name and the patient is older than 18 years old. Rule executes when the Save button on the patient demographics screen is clicked.


Activate the eligibility buttons and logic on the patient demographics screen.


Check to see if the patient and responsible party address fields are more than 30 characters. Do not allow user to save the patient information until those fields are corrected to 30 characters. Rule executes when the Save button on the patient demographics screen is clicked.


Display and enable the Central Line Expiration Date field on the patient demographic??? screen.


Activate the Exception button on the patient demographics screen so the user can create exception reports.


Force user to view the patient??? demographics screen when searching by Accession, ReqID or Lab Acc from the main toolbar search option list.


Use the multi-query advanced duplicate check routine when user clicks on the Duplicate Patient Check button on the patient??? demographics screen. Replaces all other related permissions.


Prevent user from deleting a patient that has an MRN value when the Delete button on the order screen is clicked.


Activate the History button on the patient demographics screen.


Activate the Report button on the patient demographics screen.


Display the insurance code and name on the patient demographics screen even if it does not exist in the FO_Ins table.


Prompt user to ask if user wants to save data if no??? changes on the demographics screen. The system will automatically store the data.


Prompt user for the patient verification date value on the patient??? demographics screen when the Verify button is clicked.


Activate the Show My Active Patients button on the patient search screen.


Remove the Email field from the patient demographics screen.


Remove the patient telephone fields from the patient demographics screen.


Remove the FOID field from the patient demographics screen.


Display message to user that there is no insurance and branch to the patient demographics screen when the Patient Search Order History button is clicked.


Display and enable the venipuncture notes field on the patient demographics screen.


Activate the Patient Diagnosis button on the patient demographics screen. Patient Level Diagnosis.


Automatically load the patient diagnosis from the FO_Patient_Diagnosis.DiagnosisCode field into the order diagnosis list when a new order is created.


Activate the Full Name Override button on the patient name screen and allow for manual full name editing, bypassing rules.


Do not default the patient name in the responsible party name when SELF is chosen as the relationship on the patient demographics screen.


Skip patient duplicate checking when the Species Code is not H (Human) or it is a blank value.


Evaluate and display, if needed, policy-based insurance messages for an insurance code in the FO_INS_Policy_Messages table when user tabs out of a policy number field on the patient??? demographics screen.