You are here: Administration and Maintenance Application > Permission Tables > Registration Module Permissions > Registration Module - Screen Expiration Lock Permissions

Registration Module - Screen: Expiration Lock Permissions


Permission Description


Block insurance entry if the expiration date is in the future upon opening the patient demographics screen by executing the insurance expiration date based rules.


Block person data entry if the PersonDataUpdateExpiration expiration date is in the future upon opening the patient demographics screen by executing the person info expiration date block rules.


Do not check the expiration-based locks on the patient demographics screen. Allow user edit fields available to them by other permissions. (which permissions??)


Activate the Exp. Lock button on the patient demographics screen. Allow user to access the Demographics Field Expiration Lock screen.


Allow user to edit the field expiration lock settings on the Demographic Field Expiration Lock screen.


Allow user to override the demographics expiration block rules by using the Override button on the Demographic Field Expiration Lock screen.


Activate the Save button on the Demographic Field Expiration Lock screen.