Workflow Methods
Three workflow options are available to determine where the User enters into the FAST process. User is defaulted to a workflow based on FO_Users.DefaultWorkflowMethod. If none exists, then the FO_UserLocations table setting for DefaultWorkFlowMethod and User’s login location will determine the starting workflow. The workflow method from FO_LabIfo.DefaultWorkFlowMethod is the third option if no value has been defined in the first two places. Lastly, the “Patient Presents” workflow will be default if all previously options are null.
A User can use the drop down to change workflow method. This is controlled by FO_Users table or FO_LabInfo setting if User’s field is null.
Patient Presents WorkFlow
Once a User performs an order search and selects the correct row, the User can either branch patient screen or the orders screen. In the ‘Patient Presents’ workflow, the BRANCH TO ORDER SCREEN button can be invisible based on the permission ‘isnobrnchordptwf’. Regardless of branch path selected, the User is taken to the patient demographic screen for review. Upon exit, the User will go to the specific order if the BRANCH TO ORDER SCREEN was selected or to Requisition History screen if BRANCH TO PATIENT SCREEN was selected.
Alternatively, the User could choose to review patient demographics on this screen by selecting the SHOW PATIENT INFO button. The patient information will display in the 74 FAST Platform Software Manual
lower grid for order selected. In this process, the User would utilize the buttons to right of the patient data to complete workflow process.
Specimen Presents WorkFlow
The ‘Specimen Presents’ workflow will bypass the patient demographic screen and requisition history screen, taking the User directly to the specific order related to the row selected when BRANCH TO ORDER SCREEN is selected. This is a streamlined flow available when processing should only address the specific order.
However, if the User chooses, they can still go to the patient demographic screen via BRANCH TO PATIENT SCREEN and then follow normal process thru requisition history screen and then the order screen.
Industrial Tox WorkFlow
The Industrial Tox workflow does not alter ability to look up a patient/specimen but does impact the order screen. The container List is not mandatory. Also, this workflow will default a Provider Code or ICD Code for all accession if defined in the FO_LabInfo table.