Send Order at Receipt Rule
This rule provides a way to send an order during the receipt process instead of the typical process of sending orders to the LIS when an order is processed by the user. The purpose is to allow the LIS to receive the order message when the specimen related to the order is about to be received. Some LIS systems require this functionality to minimize the problems related to downloading to instruments when multiple testing facilities exist in the analytical environment in the lab. In effect this allows the LIS to download the order to the instruments at the lab facility that is receiving the order instead of the facility that generated the order.
To activate this rule set, you must:
- assign permission exportordertoif to a user group: Export order to default interfaces. Turns on display of the episode creation and assignment screen.
- assign permission srsendordlisrcv to a user group: Send an order message to LIS, if one has not already been sent, when the Send to LIS button on the specimen receipt screen is clicked. This rule is applied on the single receipt screen.
- assign permission bpsendordlisrcv to a user group: Send the order to LIS, if one has not already been sent, upon receipt of a batch container. This rule is applied on the batch processing screen.
It is recommended that all permissions be used when the send order at receipt rule is required.
Rule Business Logic
The order transaction will be sent when a received test order has occurred. There are three ways a received test order can occur:
- 1. If the user’s performing lab matches the test performing lab …. [to start rewrite of following]>>> At the time of order, if rules create a situation that one or more tests in an order are auto-received because the User’s performing lab matches the test performing lab. <<< what rules create this situation?
In this case, the system will send the order transaction for those tests to the LIS when the User presses the Export to Host button. Rhodes recommends that Users use this button always since the new permissions will only send transactions for received test orders
<<< are other buttons available and why if always want user to use the Export to Host button.?? - On the single specimen receipt screen and the Receipt to LIS button is clicked. The system will check to see if the order transaction has been sent and send it if required.
- On the batch processing screen, when one or more containers is received by clicking the Receive In LIS button. The system will check to see if the order transactions for the related orders have been sent and if not, send them at that time.
The system will send orders at the Lab Accession level in cases #2 and #3 above because typically the user is receiving at that level when on those screens. This means that all tests in the received Lab Accession will be sent in order transactions to the LIS.
The system will check to see if the ADT transaction that typically precedes an order has been sent and also send it before the order transaction generated at receipt time. Some differences may exist in flow since the order at receipt is based on the Lab Accession instead of FASTorder session accession.
Assign permission forcesendepiord to a user group and it can be used to force the system to always send an ADT transaction before the order is sent.