You are here: Administration and Maintenance Application > Functional Rules > Recent Patient Search Configuration Rule

Recent Patient Search Configuration Rule


[was listed under the Registration Module]


This rule provides a way to limit the patient list presented to a user for selection after a search. Search results can be limited by a variety of parameters. Search results are also limited to adhere to HIPPA requirements for patient confidentiality.

Search results can be limited by:

  • a client’s list of patients. (which RecentPatientSearchType or what fields correspond to this option?)
  • a group of clients who share a list of patients. (which RecentPatientSearchType or what fields correspond to this option?)
  • a group of patients as defined by the user location. (is this the RecentPatientSearchType = USERLOCATION value?)
  • a timeframe based on the site’s concept of recent, generally a number of days. (what settings/values define this option, other than FO_Users. RecentPatientSearchDays ??)

To activate and configure this rule, you must define parameters:

  1. FO_Users.RecentPatientSearchType: assign one of the following settings to the user.

    1. USERLOCATION: Assign this type to find patients based on user’s current user location as matched to the patient’s location.

      When a patient is processed, a cross-reference record with the user’s location and the patient’s FOID is created in the FO_UserLocPt table. This table is referenced in Recent Patient Search by matching the user’s current user location to a patient in the table. Those patients who match the user’s current user location will be listed for the user to select from.

    2. ENTRYGROUPCODE: Assign this type to find patients based on user entry group code as matched to the patient’s entry group code.

      A default entry group code can be assigned to the client code, the MPI Qualifier, and/or the user. When a patient is processed, a cross-reference record with the patient’s entry group code is created in the FO_PT_EntryGroups table. Those patients in the FO_PT_EntryGroups table who match the user’s entry group code will be listed for the user to select from.

    3. PTACCESSGROUP: Assign this type to find patients based on client patient access groups.

      If you choose to assign this type, you must first provide information for the:

      • FO_Client_PtAccess_Group_Def table: create records for client patient access groups for all groups needed.

      • FO_Client_PtAccess_Groups table: create records associating a client code to a PtAccess group code for every association needed.

      When a patient is accessed with a client group, an entry is written to the FO_Client_PtAccess_XRef table. Those patients in the FO_Client_PtAccess_XRef table who match the user’s client patient access group code(s) will be listed for the user to select from.

    4. MPI: Assign this type to find patients based on MPI Qualifier. Those patients who match the user’s qualifier will be listed for the user to select from. (how is the patient’s MPI qualifier assigned, is there a table record like for the other choices?)

  2. Make sure that you have entered the appropriate data into each of these FO_Users data fields:

    • EntryGroupCode

    • UserLocation

    • ClientPtAccessGroupCodes

    • Qualifier

    • RecentPatientSearchDays

See FO_Users for more information about field definitions and allowed values.

See FO_Client_PtAccess_Group_Def for more information about field definitions and allowed values.

See FO_Client_PtAccess_Groups for more information about field definitions and allowed values.

See the Recent Patient Search Table Relationship Map for more information.

>>> still need to make the above relationship map <<<