Client Visit Rules
This rule provides a way to turn on the CV#, client visit number, field on the order screen and on the client-driven order screen. (If an edit mask is assigned, does the CV# becomes a required field. ????)
This field relates to the concept of a foreign episode ID. The CV# field links an order to a foreign episode identifier or foreign account number, as provided by a lab client.
This field contains the billing or episode ID from an external system. (which ID and who/what chooses which ID???)
To activate this rule, to turn on the CV# field, you must:
- assign permission clientvisitsee to a user group.
OR - assign a value to the FO_Clients.ClientVisitNumber field. This defaults the order-level field with the contents of the same field for the order client.
An edit mask format may be assigned by using the FO_Clients.ClientVisitNumberMask field. The mask uses the FASTstandard mask characters of # for a number and @ for a letter.
The system will display the client visit number field on the order screen if a mask is assigned in the FO_Clients table.
On the Order Screen:
The client visit number field, CV#, is located on the order screen next to the account number.
On the Client-Driven Order Screen, PATIENT PRESENTS WFM:
The client visit number field, CV#, is located below the client patient ID, C Pt Id, field in the middle column of the top section on the client-driven order screen.
The CV# or external client visit number can be made a required field on a per MPI Qualifier basis by:
- setting the FO_MPI_Qualifier.RequiresExternalEpisodeID field to 1.
- and assigning the chkmpireqcv permission.
The ability to edit a CV# after it has been entered is controlled by the FO_MPI_Qualifier.DoNotAllowEditExternalEpisodeID field.
You may choose to not allow edits to the CV# to prevent any change to the value sent by the external system in order processing.
( The system will display the client visit number field on the order screen if a mask is assigned in the FO_Clients table.
This sounds like the field will display and be required if a mask is assigned, whether or not the clientvisitsee permission or the FO_Clients.ClientVisitNumber field has a value. Is that true??
Does it really only mean that the field will be editable if there is a mask??
So if the permission is set does that mean that the field is visible and contains the value assigned by an external process, and the field cannot be edited??
Is a value assigned to the CV# by an external process and then this ‘rule’ allows
a. the user to see that value by ‘turning on’, displaying, the CV# field on the screen?
b. edit the externally-assigned CV# based on assignment of edit mask?
c. on the client-driven order screen make CV# a required field? [is CV# sometimes not filled in by an external process?]
See FO_Clients for more information about field definitions and allowed values.
See FO_MPI_Qualifier for more information about field definitions and allowed values.