You are here: Administration and Maintenance Application > Functional Rules > Battery Test Components Duplication Exclusion Rule

Battery Test Components Duplication Exclusion Rule

This rule provides a way to disqualify a test battery from being checked for duplicate components.

To activate this rule, you must:

  • add the lab department for exclusion to the excluded department list by using the FO_LabInfo.TestCompDupExcludeDept field. This field may have multiple valid lab department codes, separated by commas.

If the FO_LabInfo.TestCompDupExcludeDept is blank, the system defaults to the departments ‘MC,BB,CY’.

If the FO_LabInfo.TestCompDupExcludeDept contains an invalid lab department code then no tests will be checked for duplicate components. Make sure you only use valid lab departments codes in the FO_LabInfo.TestCompDupExcludeDept field.

See FO_LabInfo for more information about field definitions and allowed values.