You are here: Administration and Maintenance Application > Permission Tables > Payment Collection Module Permissions

Payment Collection Module Permissions


Permission Description


Activate buttons on the patient demographic and order screens to allow access to the Payment Collection Module.


Activate appropriate button on the payment collection screen to allow the recording of payments.


Activate the Receipt button on the payment collection screen.


Use the User Loc Summary button on the payment collection screen to allow printing of a report by the user's user location.


Use the User Loc Summary button on the payment collection screen to print a summary report for all payments for a date for all user locations.


Activate the Edit Payment button to allow payment editing on the payment collection screen ??? in the payment collections module.


Activate the Delete Payment button to allow payment editing on the payment collection screen ??? in the payment collections module.


Use the sales tax for payments from the FO_Zips.SalesTaxPercent field. If this is not used, system will look for sales tax in FO_LabInfo by user location.


Remove the credit card related fields on the payment screen.