You are here: Administration and Maintenance Application > Permission Tables > Orders Module Permissions > Orders Module - Screen: Accession History Permissions

Orders Module - Screen: Accession History Permissions


Permission Description


Allow display of search limitation tools by date range and accession in the past order section of the accession history screen.


Allow display of search limitation tools by date range and accession in the standing order section of the accession history screen.


Activate the Transfer button on the accession history screen to allow user to transfer an accession from one patient to another.


Activate the Un-Recv'd Client Orders button on the accession history screen to show CDC orders.


Remove the New/Review Order button from the accession history screen. No new orders can be created.


Change the label on the New/Review button on the accession history screen to include the word Order and remove the picture.


Activate the Hub Maintenance button on the accession history screen to allow launching of the CSTools SLM module screen.