Label Printing Module Permissions
Permission | Description |
ptlabelatordexp |
Display and enable the Print Patient Label button on the order export screen. Allows user to print a patient label. |
reqUserfillin |
Display and enable prompts for information which appears on order requisition form when printed. Fields appear on header. |
autoprtcontlabel |
Automatically print container labels when the Exit button on the container (tube) screen is clicked. |
addprioritytolabel |
Add priority code to each test in the container label test list and aliquot label test list. |
labelsatordexit |
Trigger labels to print when the Process button on the order screen is clicked. If this permission is not used, label printing will be triggered at order export. |
contlabelatordexp |
Display and enable the button on the episode/order export screen that allows for container label printing. |
acchistlabelsee |
Display and enable a drop-down that allows for label printing in the accession history screen. |
labelscreensee |
Display and enable the button for the label printing screen on the main screen toolbar. |
lblaccsrch |
Display and enable a field to allow for searching by FASTAccession on the label printing screen. |
lbllabaccsrch |
Display and enable a field to search by lab accession on the label printing screen. |
lblcidsrch |
Display and enable a field to search by container ID on the label printing screen. |
recvprtalqbutton |
Display and enable the Print Aliquot button on the specimen receipt screen. |
recvprtcidlabel |
Display and enable the Print Container Labels button on the specimen receipt screen. |
recvautoprtalqsee |
Display the Auto Print Aliquot Labels checkbox in the specimen receipt screen and leave it clear or unchecked. |
contlabelexpsee |
Display and enable the button on the episode/order export screen that allows for printing of container labels. |
lbluselabacc |
Print a lab accession label instead of a FASTaccession-level label and change the accession checkbox to lab accession on the label printing screen. |