Image Scanning Module Permissions
Permission | Description |
imagefoldersee |
Display and enable the image folder field on the order screen. |
imagefolderrequired |
Display and enable the image folder field on the screen and make it a required field. |
ptimages |
Display and enable the Images button on the patient demographic screen. |
ordimagesee |
Display and enable the button to view and add scanned images on the order screen. |
scanmrnfile |
Include the MRN in the name of scanned image files. |
scanaccfile |
Include the FAST accession in the name of scanned files. |
scanlabaccfile |
Include the lab accession in the name of scanned files. |
scanreqidfile |
Include the Req ID in the name of scanned files. |
scanptnamefile |
Include the patient name in the file name of scanned files. |
scanfileprefix |
Prefix each value in the scanned image file name with a title such as MRN: Acc: LABACC: PtNAME: REQID: |
scanfiledelimit |
Delimit each item in the scanned image file name by an up arrow symbol. |
scantypefile |
Include the category type in the name of scanned files. |
scanaccvisible |
Display and enable the accession field on the scanned images screen. |
scanaccrequired |
Make the accession field a required field on the scanned images screen. |
scanlabaccvisible |
Display and enable the lab accession field on the scanned images screen. |
scanlabaccrequired |
Make the lab accession field a required on the scanned images screen. |
scanreqidvisible |
Display and enable the Req ID field on the scanned images screen. |
scanreqidrequired |
Make the Req ID field a required field on the scanned images screen. |
scandatefile |
Include a date stamp in the file name of the scanned file. |
scanblankfields |
Clear the accession, lab accession and Req ID fields on the scanned images screen after each image is stored. |
scanstorepdf |
Store the scanned image as a PDF file if a folder is specified. |
scandelvisible |
Display and enable the Delete button on the image scanning screen. |
scanexpfilesee |
Display and enable the Export File button on the image scan screen. Allows a stored image to be exported to a file. |
scanexprngsee |
Display and enable the Export Range button on the image scan screen. For advanced user only. Requires table manipulation to queue data. |
scanccvisible |
Display and enable the client code field on the scanned images screen. |
scanccrequired |
Make the client code field a required field on the scanned images screen. |
scanptdobfile |
Include the patient DOB in the name of scanned files. |
scanclientfile |
Include the order client code in the name of scanned files. |