CS Tools - Reporting Maintenance Module - RRE Permissions
Permission | Description |
reportingmaintsee |
Display and enable the Reporting Maintenance module. |
addhistorycommentsee |
Display and enable the menu option when right clicking on any distribution history grid. |
ssrsconfigurationsee |
Display and enable the SSRS Configuration group box on the report definition details screen. |
deletefilemenuoptionsee |
Display and enable the Reporting Maintenance module. in the |
deactivatereportbuttonsee |
Activate the Deactivate Report button in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
deletereportbuttonsee |
Activate the Delete Report button in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
deactivatedistributionbuttonsee |
Activate the Deactivate Distribution button in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
deletedistributionbuttonsee |
Activate the Delete Distribution button in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
changereportassignmenttypeandvalue |
Allow user to change an existing report's Assignment type and value if a report link has already been created in SSRS. |
changereportpath |
Allow user to change an existing report's Report path if a report link has already been created in SSRS. |
changereportid |
Allow user to change an existing report's Report ID if a report link has already been created in SSRS. |
changeserverURL |
Allow user change an existing report's Server URL if a report link has already been created in SSRS. |
changereportservername |
Allow user change an existing report's Report Server Name if a report link has already been created in SSRS. |
searchreportinstancesee |
Activate the Search Report Instance tab in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
reportdistributiondefinitionsee |
Activate the Report / Distribution Definitions tab in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
filequeuesearchsee |
Activate the File / Queue Search tab in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
subscriptionfailsee |
Activate the Monitor Failed Subscription Runs tab in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
monitorfailedreportqueuesee |
Activate the Monitor Failed Report Queues tab in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
distributionhistorysee |
Activate the Distribution History Search tab in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
addreportsee |
Activate the New Report button in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
savereportsee |
Activate the Save buttons in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
adddistributionsee |
Activate the New Distribution button in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
savedistributionsee |
Activate the Save buttons in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
viewfilemewnuoptionsee |
Display and enable the Reporting Maintenance module. menu option when right clicking on ANY file search results in the |
requeuefilemenuoptionsee |
Display and enable the Reporting Maintenance module. menu option when right clicking on ANY file search results in the |
requeuewithnewidmenuoptionsee |
Display and enable the Reporting Maintenance module. menu option when right clicking on ANY file search results in the |
verifypathpopupsee |
Enable a "Verify Path Is Correct" popup when a user clicks on the Path button in the Report Definition screen in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
confirmpathpopupsee |
Enable a "Confirm" popup when a user clicks on the Path button in the Report Definition screen in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
confirmreportlinkpopupsee |
Enable a "Confirm" popup when a user clicks on the "Report Link" button in the "Report Definition" screen in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
confirmsubscriptionpopupsee |
Enable a "Confirm" popup when a user clicks on the Subscription button in the Report Definition screen in the Reporting Maintenance module. |
deletefromsystemarchivefoldersee |
Display or Reporting Maintenance module. om the system archive folder in the |
deletefromqueuefailfoldersee |
DisplReporting Maintenance module. from a queue (distribution queue id) specific fail folder in the |
deletefromqueuearchivefoldersee |
DisplReporting Maintenance module. a queue (distribution queue id) specific archive folder in the |
deletefromsystemfailfoldersee |
DisplReporting Maintenance module. m the system fail folder in the |
deletefromuserfailfoldersee |
DispReporting Maintenance module. a user specific fail folder in the |
watchfoldersee |
Display and enable the Watch Folder tab on File Queue Search tab in the Reporting Maintenance module. |