CS Tools - Provider Maintenance Module - RRE Permissions
Permission | Description |
provmessage |
Allow user to search the RRE_Provider_If_Messages table via the user interface. |
provimport |
Allow user to import provider information from the RRE_Provider_If_Messages table into the RRE_Providers table via the user interface. |
provsave |
Allow user save changes to providers. |
provreportingsee |
Activate the Reporting tab. |
provclientsee |
Activate the Client tab. |
provaddresssee |
Activate the Address tab. |
provphoneandemailsee |
Activate the Phone and Email tab. |
provcontactssee |
Activate the Contact tab. |
provmpisee |
Activate the MPI tab. |
provphysmaintsee |
Display and enable the menu to launch Provider Maintenance. |
prov_general_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the General tab. |
prov_reporting_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Reporting tab. |
prov_client_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Client tab. |
prov_address_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Address tab. |
prov_phoneemail_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Phone / Email tab. |
prov_contact_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Contact tab. |
prov_mpi_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the MPI tab. |
provupinsee |
Display and enable the UPIN textbox on the General tab of the Provider Maintenance module. |
provroutestopsee |
Display and enable the Route Stop text box on the General tab of the Provider Maintenance module. |
provprimarylocationsee |
Display and enable the Primary Location textbox on the General tab of the Provider Maintenance module. |
provlicensedateinfosee |
Display and enable the Expiration Date and Effective Date columns of the Licenses list box on the General tab of the Provider Maintenance module. |
provaddresscountysee |
Display and enable the County text box on the Address tab of the Provider Maintenance module. |
provphonesee |
Activate the Phone tab. |
provemailsee |
Activate the Email tab. |
provsearchhistorysee |
Activate the Search Provider History tab. |
prov_phone_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Phone tab. |
prov_email_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Email tab. |
provreportoverviewsee |
Activate the View Report Overview button in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provexportreportsee |
Activate the Export button for the report overview in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provprintreportsee |
Activate the Print button for the report overview in the Provider Maintenance module. |
exceptionreportqueuesee |
Display and enable the exception reporting queue related to the Provider Maintenance module. |
exceptionreportisresolvedsee |
Display and enable the Is Resolved checkbox as a search parameter in the exception reporting queue related to the Provider Maintenance module. |
provmnemonicsee |
Display and enable the mnemonic field in the search options and General tab of the Provider Maintenance module. |
provgroupsee |
Activate the Provider Group tab. |
prov_providergroup_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Provider Group tab. |
provcommentssee |
Display and enable the comments text box located on the General tab in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provsuffixsee |
Display and enable the suffix field in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provcumtestsee |
Activate the Tests tab. |
prov_cumtest_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Tests tab. |
provaddressterritorycodesee |
Display and enable the Territory Code column in the Secondary Addresses table in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provaddressclientacctrepcodesee |
Display and enable the Client Account Rep Code column in the Secondary Addresses table in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provaddressmarketingrepcodesee |
Display and enable the Marketing Account Rep Code column in the Secondary Addresses table in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provaddressinterfacecrossreference |
Display and enable the Interface Cross Reference column in the Secondary Addresses table in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provmpisendoninterfacesee |
Display and enable the Send on Interface column on the MPI tab in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provdeasee |
Display and enable the DEA field in the Provider Maintenance module. |
prov_test_steward |
Display and enable the Data Steward Control on the Tests tab. |
provaddresscompanycodesee |
Display and enable the address Company Code field in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provaddresscompanynamesee |
Display and enable the address Company Name field in the Provider Maintenance module. |
provhostactivestatussee |
Display and enable the address HostActiveStatus column on the MPI tab of the Provider Maintenance module. |
provmpiactivesee |
Display and enable the address Active column on the MPI tab of the Provider Maintenance module. |