Fast Merge Queuing Function

This section outlines the definitions required to for the merge module with FAST Merge Services. There are 2 types of merges, automerge and non-automerge. In both cases, the final outcome is to identify the Good and Bad identifiers in the FO_Merge table so Merge Services can perform the actual merge task. Therefore the FO_Merge table provides a historical record of all merges in FAST.

Both types of merges require a merge rule to be defined in the FO_Merge_Rule_Definition table and a stored procedure to kick off scanning the database for potential duplicates. The difference is that in automerge process, the data for merging is loaded directly into the FO_Merge and set status to QUEUED, while the non-automerge data is written to the FO_Merge_Staging table. Using CSTools, a User can review the data; determine the base patient and QUEUE to merge. The “Queue to Merge” button actually writes data to FO_Merge table and sets status to QUEUED.

Merge Services is an SQL service that periodically reviews the FO_Merge table for QUEUED status. When found, the FO_MergeTable_Definitions table provides a cross walk of fieldnames for performing the merge. The type of merge (Patient, Episode, and Accession) will dictate which fields in which tables should be updated to the GOOD data. When appropriate, the BAD rows are removed (like FO_Patients table).

Tables containing FAST merge queuing function definitions are: