Test Question / RESOE Definition
This table contains definitions of question/answers for test orders (RESOE). It is used to define question test codes that are assigned to particular test code. Each question then may have one or more answers.
Each record in this table represents an order test code and question code pair.
Field | Type | Notes |
TestQA_ID |
decimal(18, 0) |
ID field, a counter. Unique |
TestCode |
varchar(50) |
Test Code for this question. Enter a valid orderable test code. |
QACode |
varchar(50) |
QA (question/answer) code for this question. Enter a unique QA (question/answer) code, the code may be an LIS test code. This code can be used again for a different test code but must be unique within each test code. This code may be the same as used in the LIS. |
Question |
varchar(200) |
Enter the question. |
AnswerGroup |
varchar(50) |
Enter the answer or an answer group code. If a list of answers is required, then enter the answer group code defined in the FO_QA_Answergroup. |
AnswerType |
varchar(20) |
Type of answer. Enter an allowed value. Allowed values: TEXT or skip this entry = a sequence of alphanumeric characters; can be mix of codes, and or free text. CODE^Description format is allowed. LIST = a list of items. And AnswerGroup code is required. NUMERIC = a number
For code-driven RESOE: see more information below - need to write stuff Code = Code from FO_Dictionary or list; allows search in FO_Dictionary Date = valid date Date Time = valid date / time entry |
FreeTextLen |
int |
Represents the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a freetext, TYPE = TEXT, field. Enter an integer. |
Mandatory |
int |
Determines if an answer to the question is mandatory before the order can be finished. Enter 0 or 1 0 = not mandatory 1 = mandatory |
DefaultAnswer |
varchar(50) |
Default answer for this question. Automatically used as an answer. User may override the answer. |
EditMask |
varchar(255) |
Edit Mask for the Answer field. Enter one or more allowed values. # = numeric character @ = text character IE: @### represents one letter and 3 numbers Used as the edit mask for entering a result for this QA code. Controls resulting quality of response for this QACode. |
UserInstructions |
varchar(80) |
Instructions for TEXT answer type only. Enter instructions to be displayed if user's answer violates the edit mask. |
TreatMaskAsNumberValue |
varchar(1) |
Determines if the question's edit mask evaluates as a numerical value. Used for TEXT answer type only. Enter Y or N Y = treat numeric entry as a value N = do not treat as a value Used for clarification when a numeric edit mask is assigned to an answer. If set to 'Y', the system evaluates the value of the number entered. For example, if a '###' three character edit mask allows values of 0 - 999. If the value entered is 20, the system will allow it since it is less than the highest possible value of '999'. |
Sequence |
int |
Order, or sequence, in which this question is presented in the series of questions for this test code. Enter an integer. |
ValidateListItem |
varchar(50) |
Determines if this item should be validated. Used when TYPE = LIST Enter 0 or 1 0 = do not validate 1 = validate If the item should be validated and a value is entered that is not in the list, a warning will be displayed. |
Send2Components |
bit |
Bit flag that determines if both the code and description should be sent when available. Default is 0 Enter 0 or 1 0 = send only the code 1 = send both the code and the description This overrides the interface setting to only send code for OBX. |
UseCodeTypesForSearch |
varchar(500) |
Limits FO_Dictionary search on code-driven RESOE Screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid codes separated by pipes. Codes should match values in theFO_Dictionary.Type field. |