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System Applications

The FASTPlatform Suite is composed of several code modules. Each module contains a distinct set of functions to accomplish specific tasks.

After login the 3x3 has Admin, Orders and CCC items.

App, the 3x3 has functions per what the client has purchased, and or the user permissions. Including Admin may have permissions to some things to admin but may not be able to use those same things....

Need to doc all the possible 3x3 functions/apps/modules


Orders, Results, Lab Analytics, Claims, Financial Analytics, XXX, ZZZZ, YYYY


3x3 Icon is the following:

Home Orders Results
Lab Analytics Billing Financial Analytics
Targeted Interventions Facilitated Follow-up Health Risk Assessment


Make all of these xrefs to the H1 sections of the manual

From KB:


Results...Parts of CSTools but not sure if all of it

Lab Analytics...GUESSING Scholar Clinical Module

Billing.....guessing FUSION..which is bad name as Billing I really a separate non Rhodes application

Financial Analytics...Guessing Scholar Revenue Module

Targeted Interventions...seems like New product called DxOp or diagnosis Optimization

Facilitated (Follow-up) idea

Health Risk Assessment...also seems like New product called DxOp or diagnosis Optimization

Have not talked to you about Scholar as I was not aware that was on radar for redevlopment this go round. Just FAST , CSTools and Fusion was first stab.


How does the Home look like an app/module, which is the R1C1 item on the 3x3

call them Apps or Modules ????

and where do all of these modules fit in??

Administration App (do an xref for each app/module name)



Platform Module

The Platform module is the underlying container of logic required for all the other modules to operate. It contains the Security and Rules Engine components and the Platform Tool Bar functionality.


Registration Module

This module is created to accomplish patient registration tasks. It contains functions to search, create and their demographics. It also allows linking of patient demographics to the other modules and seamlessly integrates itself to the Platform. Finally, it provides order summary functions for billing staff.


Fast Orders Module

This module contains all the detailed order functionality. It links to the Fast Registration and Fast Episodes Module and also links to Interfaces Components.


Fast Episodes Module

This module is utilized to review and create patient episodes. Episodes may be created from the Fast Reg or Fast Orders Modules.


User History Module

The User history module allows for customized searching and display of User related events. The User events are time stamped events that the application records as a User navigates through the Platform. The table FO_UserHistory_Event_Definition provides a list of events that can be written and describes what action triggers the event to be recorded.


Interfaces Module

The Platform supports a variety of interfaces that link the Platform databases to external systems.


Standing Orders Module

The standing orders module allows for the creation and display of standing orders and future orders. This module integrates itself to the Fast Reg and Fast Orders modules.


Specimen Receipt Module

This module allows for quick specimen receipt and transmittal of receipt related information through interfaces.


Specimen Archive Module

This module is used to record and display specimen archive and storage related information.


Patient Messages Module

This module is used to create and display patient specific messages at different application execution points.


Patient Merge Module

This module allows the User to merge patient information.


Insurance History Module

This module allows the User to interact with the historical listing of insurance changes for a particular patient.


File Maintenance Module

This module allows link to CSTools Maintenance for Client, Provider and Specimen List Management definitions.